More Mango Madness!

28 01 2012


Yum! I made some fresh fruit an d veggie juice last night during a downpour. It is delicious. 

Recipe: I just threw in whatever I had, and tried to chop it a bit first to help the blender. 

8 mangoes, 1 banana, some spoonfuls of applesauce, tomato, spinach lettuce and moringa leaves, pro-biotic yoghurt and 1 litre lemonade. Delicious!

Next photo is some mango chutney I made last week.  I used an Alton Brown recipe.  I gave it rave reviews but the boy didn’t. Shame 🙂

Last photo is some gorgeous hornbills who’ve also been struck with mango madness.  They sit on the branches outside my huge windows and try to get through.  Bonk! Bonk! Thing 1 and Thing 2 have visited multiple times and still keep at the same futile quest. Must be males, huh?! 🙂 Bonk! Bonk!

Any recipe ideas I should try?




Life as a PCV: before lunch

18 01 2012

Life as a Peace Corps Volunteer before lunch:

I biked 15 miles

I prayed in iciBemba with 6 prisoners

I got left alone with those same 6 prisoners (for 10 minutes only and they’re minimum security)

I Was denied access to a prison-wide address by the visiting deputy commissioner on prison conditions. I already have made my conclusions about prison conditions but justice sometimes is served best by not voicing my opinions to certain authorities. Losing the privilege of access to deserving prisoners who are very willing to learn from the agriculture workshops I do doesn’t help anyone.

I Gave a arms-out-running-hug to my “little boyfriend” a 4 year old neighbor who started preschool this year.

I paid $1.75 for 16 mangoes.  Note: pureed mango plus chilled lemonade=heaven.

I spoke to Chinese men about sewer lines. (can’t plant trees on top of sewer lines!)

I handed over funds raised by family and friends to the high school principal to help pay for two well deserving gr 11 boys’ school fees.  That was rewarding.

I talked about climate change.

I finally got my favorite shopkeeper to give me a ‘free gift’ with my purchase of flour.  The lollipop was delicious! I love the Zambian concept of mbasela or free gifts or discounts.

I examined samples of compost tea under a microscope – wanna see beneficial bacteria or amoeba at 400x magnification? These little guys are magical for applying in your garden.  They help to naturally improve the nutrients vegetables can access in your soil. Cheap soil improvements =more vegetables=more money in your pocket=less household food and economic insecurity.

Yes, these are not exaggerations my friends. I really did all these things before lunch.    New experiences, attempts at justice, rewarding hugs, and tasty foods; whatever you want to call the reasons for being a Volunteer. These are just some simple examples illustrating reasons we wake up and work each day as Volunteers.

Have I convinced you yet to become a Peace Corps Volunteer?!